Category Archives: Entrepreneur

Four Letters: DO (vs.) BE

Last week I was doing the dishes thinking about hanging out, doing nothing.

I wasn’t wishing I was doing nothing, I was just thinking about what it means to do nothing.

Hang out.


Read, or watch a movie, or watch mindless television.  Sit on the couch and just do nothing.

I’m not a busy-body, but I’m not a do nothing person, either.  My wife and I cut our honey moon short because we were so anxious to move into our first new (to us) apartment and start to doing stuff in our new (to me) town.

We have a hard time being, because we are driven to do.

Is this good or bad?

I think there needs to be a healthy balance, and I’m not convinced I’ve figured that out yet.

Seth Ahonen: Amazing Artist

I had a meeting in a coffee shop today and saw someone Seth Ahonen drawing.


He had a picture of a baby and was recreating it with pencil (I’m sure there’s a cooler, more technical way to say that).  It really was amazing to watch (since I have no artistic ability).

Here’s his website – check out his portfolio.

I didn’t see a picture of any of the portraits that he draws (from a picture), but I found a great portfolio of his breadth – really quite fascinating. I am thinking of a picture I can send to him to have him draw it – really, really awesome.

Two Entrepreneur Words

I recently posted my 5 favorite words, as a business owner, designer, product manager.  Here are two more words I’ve been thinking about lately.  Both have to do with marketing something… when someone wants to buy “something” from you, you have to be able to easily communicate what “it” is that you have to offer.

System: “7 steps to ___,” or “4 ___ in 4 days,” or something like that.  Think: Seven Habits of ______.  People like to know you’ve (supposedly) thought of all the angles and have come up with an amazing SYSTEM that solves their problem.

Package: Very similar concept to a “system,” but a package doesn’t have to have a system to/in it.  The package can be something like “buy 8 hours for the price of 10,” or “get a book, ebook, DVD and upgrade for ___.”  I do this here.

If you are a consultant I recommend you do this immediately – your clients expect it (even if they don’t know they expect it.

Go check out my other 5 favorite words – I didn’t realize this was going to be a series, and will probably be an ongoing series… 🙂