I’m a strong advocate of having an email signature that helps me know who you are. I want you to know who I am, and what I can offer you. Thus, I created and have used this email signature for a long, long time:
In Outlook (with html):
In Gmail (no html):
After getting a comment on my LinkedIn blog (it’s pretty funny), and another comment on Young PR Pros (in jest, of course), I decided it was time to try something else.
So here’s my new signature:
I could only do this since I redesigned JasonAlba.com (it used to just be a blog, but now has a landing page with all my other stuff).
I worry that people won’t know about all the cool stuff I do, and not know what I’m about. It’s kind of scary. However, I wonder how many people previously sifted through my other signature… how many JibberJobber signups I got because of my sig, how many book sales, blog readers, CEO Webinar purchases…
It’s kind of like when you come up with your 30 Second Commercial… you feel like you are leaving so much out, and how in the world could you cut stuff out?? But you have to. And so did I.
It’s a new day, and perhaps I’ll regret it, but I doubt anyone will suggest I shorten my signature. Scary but good… that’s my gut feel right now.