Last night my wife was putting the the 4 and 7 year olds to bed. In her own words:
I just finished putting a scared Taylor to bed. When the kids are scared, I say a special prayer of comfort and love. William is in the top bunk over Taylor and after we said amen, he said, ‘Why do we always say A-Men and not A-Lady?‘ I busted up laughing and told him how smart he was to think of that question and that I had never thought to ask that.
Then, William says:
“When I grow up I want to be a Canadian, that makes people laugh.” My wife asks, “A Comedian?” and William responds “Yeah!”
Guffaws all around 🙂
Great post! My wife and I are expecting our first in August. Can’t wait for the insightful questions. 🙂
roflmao. A Canadian!
Tell that kid that Canadians aren’t funny and they aren’t polite either. It’s a propaganda scam by a pipsqueak little country that deep in its heart wishes it was the USA.
A lot of funny comedians have come from Canada. Maybe he was on to something.
Very ambitious of him… but why nt be both?
Jim Carry
Martin Short
John Candy
Willaim Shatner [ok he doesn’t know he’s funny]
And William will be in good company. Check it out, htp:// -eh? Will he be a famous inventor (like his dad)?