I have a buddy who is looking at developing a very cool new business offering and wanted to see if JibberJobber, as a CRM, was good enough to be a part of the offering. After spending hours on the system this is what he wrote to me:
Even though I have played with JibberJobber for quite a while, I never really dug deep into how I could use it to grow my biz. I just used it as a place to store contacts – but now that I have a focus of how I should be using it, I have to say that you have done an incredible job with it. I just played with the quick add from Twitter function which is way cool.
What a super compliment.
And a great testimonial.
This just came from him after he’s spent hours on MY product. He’s known me for years, he’s known about JibberJober for years, and he’s even had an account for a while.
But he was playing around with it, not serious, not understanding how it could meet his needs (not really understanding his “needs,” until recently).
It made me wonder: how many of the people we know, who know us, really know what we do and what we offer, and have an appreciation for our services?
I bet it’s less than 5% or 10%.
How to get that number higher? Well, maybe it is in your communication. Maybe it is just a matter of time, and waiting until the sun (your product), the moon (their needs), and the stars (their understanding of your offering) align.
When it does align take the sweet opportunity to ask, like I did: can I use that as a testimonial?
Yes, they’ll say, and they are happy to help you because you’ve made them happy by providing them a terrific solution.
I love these types of testimonials.
I recently did a review of a number of job search organizational tools here: http://tinyurl.com/y9mywuz. Jibberjobber was one of the tools I reviewed. I was wondering if you’d be interested in talking a little more about your product sometime?
I wasn’t able to give jibberjobber the amount of time I would have liked, so the review there is a little shallow.
I spoke with Gary Zukowski of TweetMyJOBs recently and got that posted on TechJournalSouth. Happy to do the same for you.
Let me know if you’re interested.