Monthly Archives: July 2007

Last call for LinkedIn book input

life_saver.jpgI’d like to get a few more one or two sentence quotes (gems) that are going at the end of the chapters… here are some examples of how they are going to look:

For the chapter on ANSWERS:

“When you ask a question on the “Answers” forum take the time to thank each person who tried to help. Then remember to close and rate the question. People have taken the time to help you; it is simple common courtesy to thank them.”

— Sheilah Etheridge, owner of SME Management

For the chapter on SEARCHING

“Browse the networks of others. Take the time to look through the networks of your direct connects. This is where you can easily find people you’d like to connect with and you’ll know you can ask your contact to help with the connection.”

— Scott Ingram,

Note, I’m not looking for “LinkedIn is great” comments, rather specific gems that pertain to the chapters. Here is what I need (the number represents how many quote I’m looking for):

  • Account and Settings 4
  • Searching 4
  • How Degrees of Separation Works 5
  • Recommendations 4
  • Jobs & Hiring 5
  • Services 5
  • LinkedIn Groups 5
  • LinkedIn Answers 3
  • LinkedIn for Personal Branding 5
  • Shady Practices 5
  • On Netiquette 5
  • Complementary Tools and Resources 5

If you can, please send me one or two sentences for any of the above chapters… (jason at jibberjobber dot com) … thanks!

Meth Death.

I worked for the FBI for almost three years. At one point I volunteered in a program where I needed training for drug testing and was sent to Quantico for three days (plus two travel days). I found the entire trip to be entirely futile, from the government perspective, but I got a lot out of the trip.

The only presentation I remember was a DEA agent who did a one hour presentation on Meth. It was one hour of slides that showed what meth is all about. It was absolutely disturbing. Amazingly disturbing.

Nothing I have seen comes close to what I saw in Quantico… until I came across this post from Chris Knudsen (who hat tips Jeff Barson).

These are 30 second commercials. Watch every single one of them. This is something that we cannot ignore.


Prejudice … runs … rampant …

I am on a YahooGroup where there was a message (and furious storm of responses) posted on the fourth of July. It had something to do with the U.S. and why we’ve only had a WASP male president. In the post was the following list:

Dems top 4:
Clinton – Female
Obama – African-American
Richardson – Hispanic
Edwards – WASP

Guliani – Catholic
Romney – Mormon
McCain – WASP
Thompson – WASP

So here’s the deal. Stereotyping is easy, and common, and convenient. It helps us, as humans, put people in various buckets so we can make assumptions about them. None of us like it, but we all do it.

Even though we all do it, I think we all try and not do it much, and especially not publicly. But it was really interesting to see this publicly. WOW. Aside from that, here’s what’s been on my mind since the 4th (when I first say this):

Can you compare all of these non-like stereotypes in one grouping like this? Isn’t comparing a Catholic to a Female to an African-American kind of weird? It just seems weird to me.

If you are going to stereotype like this, should you show all of the different races OR all of the different religions? So that way you can compare apples-to-apples?

And, how come Richardson is the token “hispanic” and not the governer of New Mexico, who was one of Clinton’s heavies?

How come Romney is the “mormon” and not the governer of some state out east?

And Billary, I mean, Hillary is the token “female” with no mention about having the distinct honor of being the wife of an impeached US president (how *cool* is that, to get an impeached president back in the white house).

Discrimination. Geesh. We’re all dumb. But there’s a lot of depth. Want to know the latest thing I was discriminated against?

No kidding … for having an MBA.