You might know that my wife and I homeschool our kids. Part of that experience means two years of Shakespeare for 12+ year old kids. Our oldest went through that (and did a third somewhere else), and our next son is starting it this year.
And, somehow…. we got invited to be the “mentors” (which is like being the teachers).
We went to a three day training, which was outside of my comfort zone (acting… !), and today was the second class. I had to miss it because of a long-ago scheduled webinar, but Kaisie went with last year’s mentor.
Anyway, my brain is in “digest Shakespeare” mode. I have never had an appreciation for Shakespeare before, but I as I learn more I’m slowly getting into it. You might find a few posts here and there that have to do with this new venture.
Here’s a link to a page that talks about why youth should experience Shakespeare. It is below the “about the author” section… I really liked what she had to say. This answers a few questions for me, and gets me more excited about diving in 🙂