Category Archives: Marketing Makeover

Kent Blumberg: Why I don’t want a referral fee

This is a really interesting post on how to get more business.

For years I’ve been asked if JibberJobber has an affiliate program (aka, a referral fee for people who refer JibberJobber to their network).  The answer is NO.  While affiliate programs were very popular five to ten years ago.

I started with an affiliate program but found it was just not appropriate for our model.  One reason is that most people who asked would refer less than 50 people a year, and the percentage that would actually signup, use it, and then upgrade (for $9.95/month) was very low.  It wasn’t worth it for anyone.

Kent is a professional service provider (executive coach).  If I refer one person to him, that could be worth hundreds and easily thousands.  There is a lot more money to share in that scenario.

But Kent’s post, Why I don’t want a referral fee, goes to another level.

Let’s say you give me a referral and I give you $100.  How was that?  Are you fulfilled?

If you are giving a referral so you can increase your income, $100 isn’t very much.  If you consistently get $100 a day that is interesting, but if you get $100 a year, it is barely fun money.

Kent’s blog post starts out “My business is built on referrals.”  Why, then, doesn’t he pay for referrals?

Another line says: “a (referral) fee would deter me from giving referrals to you.”


Read his post to find out what’s more valuable than a referral fee.





Brilliant: Image Cropper for Social Sites

I got an email from Joan Stewart about the Social Media Image Maker and thought “I use snagit from techsmith… they are the bomb.”

Yes, they are the bomb.  If I get a new computer it’s one of the first apps to go on the computer.

But the Social Media Image Maker is different.  Totally useful and awesome.  Here’s Joan’s post about it.

It helps you create the perfectly cropped image for many social sites you might be on.

Should I make a book out of my blog(s)?

A buddy, Steve Duncan, has some cool blogs.  Here’s a post I came upon that I want to keep. Is there a book in your blog? Convert WordPress to Scrivener

I’ve not wanted to create a “book” out of my blogs (especially the JibberJobber blog) for a few reasons.

One blogger said that blogs make horrible books, and I think I agree.  To connect my blog posts together into something that flows, and the value grows as you read each page, would take a lot of work.  As a blogger I write what I want when I want, I don’t follow a schedule and plan throughout a year or month.  I might have a week-long series, but that’s as sophisticated as I get as far as flow.

Almost seven years later, though, I think it makes sense to pull certain posts out to create several books.  Seven years of writing is A LOT!

I could have a book on personal branding.

I could have a book on job search technology and very specific tips.

I could have a book on career management.

I could have a book on LinkedIn. Oh wait, I already have that :p

I could write a book on alternative revenue streams.  Oh yeah, already working on that.

Perhaps I could pull enough posts together (and fill in the blanks) to write a book on small business, and the ups and downs.

Interesting.  I really have put this off for a long time but when I saw Steve’s post it made me think maybe it’s time.  One reason is because I have a feeling I need some new “products” that I can either move/sell OR just get some buzz around.

I’ll have to noodle on this idea… in my “spare time.” :p


Myspace: the company that won’t die

I think MySpace led the way for what we now call social networking.

Except it got weird and creepy and had stigmas attached.

Apparently it just won’t die.  Here’s the latest on how it is seeking $50M and wants to relaunch as a music business, to compete with Spotify and Pandora.

Interesting.  My first thought was “why be a ‘spotify killer,’ why not just be your own thing?

My second thought was “this makes a lot of sense, since music is probably what has kept MySpace alive.”

It will be interesting to see what happens….

Blog Carnival: Advice on Launching First Self Published Book

Many years ago I did a blog carnival and it was a blast.  This is when blogging was still in vogue.  I got an email from Marc Miller, who is writing a book called Repurpose Your Career, and he asked some questions. I invited some people to jump into a blog carnival with me… but then I didn’t follow up on it.  So, it’s an open blog carnival – hopefully a few others will jump in 🙂  See links at the end of my post for others who participated.

Marc asks: Do you have any advice on launching your first self published book?

Yes, I have years of advice 🙂  Where to start… here are some initial thoughts:

  1. Write the book.  But of course, you say, but from experience I know this is very, very difficult.  I know editors who have always wanted to write a book but never do.  I know all kinds of people who want to do it, but they never do it.  Just write the freaking thing.
  2. Choose your title carefully.   For my books I think the title is very important.  For some people I tell them the title will be more important than the rest of the book (and more people will finish reading the title than the book).  For non-fiction I am not sure that the title is as important (or should be as boring… er, as straightforward) as a non-fiction (like my books).
  3. Involve others. I call this pre-marketing, before the book is out.  From quoting people (who might not have ever thought they would be quoted in a print book(!!)) to asking for endorsements, involve as many people who are part of your target audience as you can.  Get them some “ownership” (without them being owner, of course). I believe this will encourage them to become evangelists… that is, people who talk about your book to others.  Think about it… would you rather have ten people who buy your book (and perhaps don’t read it) or ten people who talk enthusiastically to everyone they know about your book?
  4. Understand your goal from the beginning.  Do you want to sell gobs of books and make money from book sales?  Or do you not care about that, and want to get clients (consulting, speaking, etc.)?  Whatever your goals are will have a profound influence on what you do before, and of course after, the book comes out.
  5. Market well, right, and often.  If you thought writing the book was hard (see #1) you are wrong.  It was a freaking cake walk.  The hard thing is to get anyone to buy your book.  Marketing is not a one-time thing.  You must use a CRM tool to keep track of the evangelists you are courting, when you talk with them, when you need to follow-up, etc.  I’ll be completely biased and tell you to use JibberJobber, which is my site, and what I use to do this.  I can talk about marketing all day long, but some of Marc’s other questions touch on it, so I’ll continue with his questions.

I will be looking for speaking engagements for Q1 2013 on the topic of “Baby Boomer Retirement Paradox”.

If you position yourself well (as an author), you shouldn’t have a problem being allowed to speak.  Again, we can talk all day long about this stuff (speaking).

Are you looking for free gigs at job clubs?  If so, why? How will you eventually monetize it?  You won’t even cover gas money by book sales at those clubs.  Maybe you will use your authorship as a way to get into clubs, and then hope that someone from the audience pays you as a coach/consultant… that could work.  That definitely could work, as long as you are a good-enough speaker.

Or, are you looking for paid gigs at other places?  Where?  Who will pay you to talk to what audience?

These are critical questions to answer when it comes to speaking.

I should be in a national print magazine in January 2013 where the book will be mentioned.

I’ve gotten many, many “PR hits,” including a full, real article in U.S. News and World Report.  There are very few exceptions to the following statement: none of them produced any business value (aka, money).

I don’t want to knock your mention.  But don’t hold your breath hoping for sales or anything else.

The only good thing from these hits is you can say “as seen in” or “as mentioned in” and then list all the hits.  That might increase your credibility. But increasing your credibility doesn’t necessarily lead to money.

I am looking for other PR possibilities.

I wouldn’t spend much time on it.  Let me give you an example.  I was on various radio shows where the host claimed they had hundreds of thousands or over one million, listeners.  Had a great, exciting interview.

And NOTHING happened.  Nothing.  Not an increase in hits on my websites, not an increase in sales or inquiries.  Nothing.

Long ago I would get overly excited about these hits, but now I take them in stride.  I can’t get too excited and then let down by what amounts to a no-show, no matter how exciting the PR thing might be.

Oh, but I wish I could have been on Oprah!  And I think being on Glenn Beck would be awesome (and lead to sales).  But I can’t think of any other traditional PR hit that would really excite me.

I am looking for one or two published authors who would be willing to read the book and give me a quote.

Again, see #3 above.  You don’t want a quote from one or two, you want input from dozens and dozens.

And, why just “published authors?”  Look for any thought leader or potential evangelist, regardless of their credentials.

So that’s it… that addresses Marc’s questions.  Here’s who also wrote for this carnival (that I’ve been keeping a secret, only because of being slammed with deadlines!):

Angela Loëb: Advice For Releasing Your First (nonfiction) Book

Are you using testimonials in your marketing strategy?

Whether it’s a personal or corporate marketing strategy, are you using testimonials well and enough?

Check out Pete Leibman’s post: A Secret Weapon For Marketing Your Career Center

As I read through that I loved his advice and knew that it would apply to YOU, whether you are marketing a book, a career center, a service, or yourself!

What testimonials do you draw on in your marketing?

If your answer is “none” or “what?” then you need to read Pete’s article and apply it to yourself starting right now.

Robert Merrill asks What is the New Blogging?

Check out Robert’s post here.

My answer was so long I thought I’d make it the subject of this post:

Robert, thanks for this post and inviting me to comment. This evolution has been frustrating to watch and live over the years.

As you know I’ve blogged for over 6 years, and have maintained multiple blogs. I currently maintain three of my own.

I also wrote a book on LinkedIn (I’m on LinkedIn – Now What???), coauthored a book on Facebook (I’m on Facebook – Now What???) and have done numerous live presentations, videos etc, on things like blogging, Twitter, etc.

Six years ago I wanted comments on my posts. When social became bigger, the comments went away because people would “comment” about my post on Facebook, or Twitter, or elsewhere. It was messing everything up :p

But I continued blogging… through all the social eruption.

Or should I say distraction.

I’ve seen Google not care about social posts (comments, walls, discussions, etc.) like they care about (or track) my posts. If I google certain keywords I find my posts from years ago, but never a tweet or discussion or wall post. The chatter that happened in social is… GONE.

If I were to leave this comment on your FB page only a small handful of people would ever see it. I could not refer back to it, ever (especially years/months later). But on this post it lives forever (as long as your blog doesn’t go down). That’s really powerful. I continue to send people links to my posts that are years-old.

What I’ve seen recently (in the last 18 months) is that people are getting really tired of all the places they “have to” be… LI, FB, Twitter were the Big Three. Oh but get on Google+ or you are a loser who is missing out! And Pinterest is better than them all! And what about ____ and ____ and ____!!!! It is just too much, and people don’t have time for it, nor do they have the energy.

That’s why you see people “going dark,” or “taking a one month social fast.” It’s just too much.

Where should you blog? On your blog. For years I’ve called my blog(s) the “anchor of my comprehensive social marketing strategy.” It continues to be. Even if I hit a grandslam elsewhere (like a LinkedIn Answers question) I’ll link to it from my blog, so it lives forever and can be accessed later.

The next best place, right now (and this could change but I don’t see anything that is near good enough to be a close second) is LinkedIn Group Discussions. They don’t live forever, but you have a built-in audience that might care about what you are talking about (which bloggers don’t necessarily have)…

Anyway, my two cents. Can’t wait to see where we’ll be in another six years :)

Playing with Camtasia

Okay, I just got a lot more dangerous.

I have been playing with Camtasia to edit my videos… here’s the first edited video I’ve done (I’ll post this on JibberJobber next week):

Is that cool or what?

Well yeah, of course the content is cool… but here’s what I did with the built-in editor Camtasia provides:

  1. Added an arrow to show you were to look,
  2. Zoomed in and out a couple of times,
  3. Added a “note” at the end…
  4. Added a watermark (see bottom right)

I almost cut out some audio but I am not ready for that massive step in editing yet.  I’ll get there.

I also need to figure out why this is not BIGGER… I know where the setting is to save it as a big video, but I must have clicked the wrong button…

Anyway, cool stuff, huh?